Storming Heaven
Class Composition and Struggle in Italian Autonomist Marxism

Emphasising the dynamic nature of class struggle as the distinguishing feature of workerist thought, Storming Heaven reveals how this form of radical politics developed alongside emerging social movements to great effect. It assesses the strengths and limitations of workerism as first developed by Antonio Negri, Mario Tronti, Sergio Bologna and others.
This edition includes a new chapter looking at the debates around operaismo and Autonomia since the book originally appeared in 2002, and is updated with a new foreword and afterword.
Steve Wright is General Secretary of the Fire Brigades Union. He has been a firefighter since 2001, and an FBU official since 2002, including acting as branch rep, brigade secretary, executive council member and vice president.
Harry Cleaver is Associate Professor Emeritus at the University of Texas at Austin. He is the author of Reading Capital Politically (AK Press; 2nd ed, 2000).
Riccardo Bellofiore is Professor of Political Economy at the University of Bergamo. He is the co-editor of The Constitution of Capital: Essays on Volume I of Marx's 'Capital' (Palgrave, 2004).
Massimiliano Tomba is in the Department of Political and Juridical Sciences and International Studies at the University of Padova. He is the author of Marx's Temporalities (Haymarket, 2014).
1. Weathering the 1950s
2. Quaderni Rossi and the Workers' Enquiry
3. Classe Operaia
4. New Subjects
5. The Creeping May
6. Potere Operaio
7. Toni Negri and the Operaio Sociale
8. The Historiography of the Mass Worker
9. The Collapse of Workerism
10. Conclusion
Postscript: Once More, With Feeling: A Bibliographic Essay
Afterword to the Italian Edition by Riccardo Bellofiore & Massimiliano Tomba
eBook ISBN: 9781786801173
Version: NED
135mm x 215mm