From Amazon workers in Alabama to delivery drivers in China, new industrial alliances are leading the fight back against corporate greed and inequality. These books uncover the radical militancy which characterises international workers struggles, both contemporary and historical. All 40% off until April 9th!

The Cost of Free Shipping: Amazon in the Global Economy
Edited by Jake Alimahomed-Wilson and Ellen Reese
The Cost of Free Shipping reveals how Amazon’s rise represents a fundamental shift in global capitalism that we should name, interrogate and be primed to resist.
Bringing together activists, scholars and organisers, this book is a must read for anyone engaged in resisting Amazon’s destructive regime of algorithmic management and mass surveillance.
Amakomiti: Grassroots Democracy in South African Shack Settlements
By Trevor Ngwane
In a fascinating ethnography conducted in dozens of South Africa’s shack settlements (home to more than 9 million people), Trevor Ngwane finds thriving shack dwellers’ committees that govern local life, are responsive to popular needs and provide a voice for the community.
In a world searching for democratic alternatives that serve the many and not the few, Amakomiti argues it is to the shantytowns, rather than the seats of political power, that we should turn.

Augmented Exploitation: Artificial Intelligence, Automation and Work
Edited by Phoebe V. Moore and Jamie Woodcock
AI should be changing society, not reinforcing capitalist notions of work. Augmented Exploitation explores the reality of the impact of AI on workers’ lives. While the consensus is that AI is a completely new way of managing a workplace, the authors show that AI is used as most technologies are used under capitalism: as a smokescreen that hides the deep exploitation of workers.
Dying for an iPhone: Apple, Foxconn and the Lives of China’s Workers
By Jenny Chan, Mark Selden and Pun Ngai
Drawing on vivid testimonies from rural migrant workers, student interns, managers and trade union staff, Dying for an iPhone is a devastating expose of two of the world’s most powerful companies: Foxconn and Apple.
Foxconn workers have repeatedly demonstrated their power to strike at key nodes of transnational production, challenge management and the Chinese state, and confront global tech behemoths. Dying for an iPhone reveals the human cost of the digital economy and allows us to assess the impact of global capitalism’s deepening crisis on workers.

Organizing Insurgency: Workers’ Movements in the Global South
By Immanuel Ness
Looking at contemporary case studies in India, the Philippines and South Africa, Organizing Insurgency affirms the significance of political and economic representation to the struggles of workers against deepening levels of poverty and inequality that oppress the majority of people on the planet.
From the Dickensian industrial zones of Delhi to the agrarian oligarchy on the island of Mindanao, a common element remains – when workers organise they move closer to the realisation of socialism, solidarity and equality.
Click here to check out the rest of the Wildcat series – 40% off until April 9th!