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On the Blog

women's strike uk 2019 feminism social reproduction


The women’s strike takes place this Friday and we need to build a strike fund for low-wage and precariously employed women and non-binary workers to be able to take part in strike action.

This is not a traditional strike. We need to rebuild a labour movement that places the reality of women’s lives at the centre of its politics. We need to expand our organising, both inside and outside waged work. When we strike we challenge the male dominated trade unions that ignore the reality of our lives. For ten years it has been women that have suffered the most from austerity, as the rich have gotten richer and the rest of us struggle to put food on the table, keep the bills paid and hold down low-paid work just to balance the cost of childcare and getting the kids to and from school. The Women’s Strike is about realising the power we already hold — it is our labour that keeps the world turning and profits flowing. When we stop, the world stops with us.

The Women’s Strike collective are asking for donations of £50-100 to support the strike fund.

The fund will be used to cover primarily lost wages and travel costs for participating in strike actions, and for providing food at My Mum is On Strike events taking place throughout the day.

Strikes, blockades, walk-outs, protests, stay & play sessions and celebrations are planned  in Bristol, Cardiff, Liverpool, Birmingham, London, Edinburgh, Leeds and Brighton… We have 8 cities taking part, and we are growing!

We aim to raise £2500, and are asking organisations that have endorsed the strike for support.

If you can support the strike fund, visit:

Or go straight to:

In solidarity.