Occupy the Curriculum! 40% off all books until 15th September.
Wed, 21 Feb 2018, 18:30
Brussels (BEL) - location announced 48 hours before the event
Peter Fleming appearing as part of Full Circle's events programme
A relaxed evening of intelligent talk and discussion, over drinks and light food.
Registration is compulsory.
Brussels location announced 48H before the event.
Modern economists have invented economic man. A money-hunting, selfish, competitive human being dedicated to a life of work and wealth amassing against poverty and unemployment. The problem with economic man is, he doesn’t exist.
Formulated by those who make the rules, the persona of ‘homo economicus’ is used by economists and capitalists to manage the social world through the state, business and even the family.
We are reminded on a daily basis that this remains the best way to orientate our efforts, and that if we do not, we are failures.
As the debate about the value of work hits the mainstream, economist Peter Fleming offers a sharp, scathing critique of who we are supposed to be in the workplace and beyond, and makes the case for the end of work, debt and the myth of endless accumulation.
Peter Fleming
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