Lewes Town Hall, Fisher Street, Lewes BN7 2QS Fisher Street Lewes BN7 2QS
Building Blocs: A day of ideas to dismantle the Blue Wall, with author of Scotland Rising, Gerry Hassan
Introduced by John Denham Labour MP Southampton Itchen 1992-2015, a former Labour Minister and currently Director The Centre for English Identity and Politics.
Gerry Hassan one of Scotland’s leading political commentators, a regular contributor to The National and Scottish Review Gerry’s latest book is Scotland Rising : The Case for Independence.
Kojo Koram writes on issues of race and empire for a range of publications including the Guardian and Tribune, Kojo is the author Uncommon Wealth : Britain and the Aftermath of Empire.
Vron Ware in her book Return of a Native : Learning from the Land Vron combines writing on race, colonialism and feminism with insights stretching from the parish to the distant horizon and topics ranging from Brexit to eco-politics.
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