Independent Radical Publishing
A. M. Gittlitz
Fri, 27 May 2022, 19:00 (CDT)
Pilsen Community Books, Chicago (USA), Pilsen Community Books , 1102 W 18th St, Chicago, IL 60608, USA
As part of his US speaking tour
On April 20, 2020, I Want to Believe: Posadism, UFOs, and Apocalypse Communism (nicknamed The Green Book by fans), was released as the world entered lockdown. Framed by the wave of uprisings in Chile, Hong Kong, and Ecuador, alongside the “Show me them aliens” raid on Area 51, the book is more than a simple political biography of the idiosyncratic Trotskyist leader J. Posadas, but also an investigation into revolutionary potential in our catastrophic era of radical politicization through memes.
In a discussion with Jarrod Shanahan, author of Captives: How Rikers took NYC Hostage, A.M. Gittlitz will elaborate the connection between conspiracy and UFO communities and the revolutionary left, as well as world events since the book’s release–especially the pandemic, George Floyd Uprising, and war in Ukraine, in the context of the post-Posadist autonomist revolutionary project described in the book’s closing chapter.
A.M. Gittlitz
Aliens, nuclear war and talking dolphins; this book is a study of the weird and wonderful world of the Posadists
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