Thu, 08 Nov 2018, 19:30
Ruskin House, Croydon (UK), Ruskin House, 23 Coombe Road, Croydon, CR0 1BD
The Croydon Assembly’s next meeting will discuss “The struggles of the Labour left”.
The meeting, on Thursday, November 8 at 7.30pm, will be held at Ruskin House when the speaker will be author Simon Hannah.
Left-wing trade unionists and socialists founded Labour in 1900 – since when the left has been an integral party of Labour.
But the left has often been an embattled minority, with the policies and leaders sidelined by the Labour right.
This began to change with Jeremy Corbyn in 2015 – but what are the lessons of the struggle of the Labour left historically to achieve radical social change?
Simon Hannah’s critically successful book A Party With Socialists In It provides an account of the struggles of the left since Labour was founded.
He will be speaking at Croydon TUC on the key moments of the left, including the 1926 general strike, the Attlee government in 1945-1951, Bevanism and Bennism.
What can be learned from the past as the left battles to win the future?
Simon Hannah is an active trade unionist in Lambeth UNISON and a member of Tooting Labour Party.
He is currently writing a book on the history of Lambeth in the 1980s.