Tue, 21 Mar 2023, 19:00 – 20:30 (GMT)
Foyles, 107, Charing Cross Road, London, WC2H 0DT
A panel discussion with writers whose recent work explores the politics of emotion and care, written through the lenses of capital, gender and race, touching on ideas of heteronormativity, reproductive labour, racial capitalism and intimacy in a post-pandemic age.
The panel will feature:
Alva Gotby author of They Call It Love: The Politics of Emotional Life, a study of the role emotion plays in the 21st century political economy. She has written on feminist theory, social reproduction, housing, emotions, and family, and is active in struggles to abolish prisons and landlords.
Sophie K. Rosa, author of Radical Intimacy, which examines the heteronormative attitudes to romantic love in our capitalist and patriarchal society. She has written for Novara Media, Guardian, Buzzfeed, VICE, Al Jazeera, Aeon and CNN. In 2018, she was openDemocracy’s feminist investigative journalism fellow, producing a series of articles tracking the backlash against women’s and LGBTQIA+ rights.
Gargi Bhattacharyya, author of Empire’s Endgame and We, The Heartbroken, which explores the concept of broken-heartedness under the pressure of racial capitalism. They are a Professor of Sociology at the University of East London. Their work includes writing on racism, racial capitalism, austerity and war.
Shon Faye is the author of The Transgender Issue. She was an editor-at-large at Dazed, and her writing has been published by the Guardian, the Independent and Vice, among many others.
The panel will be followed by an audience Q&A and a book signing of Radical Intimacy by Sophie k Rosa. Doors will open from 6:45pm.