Wed, 26 Apr 2023, 18:30 - 20:00 (GMT)
ICA, The Mall, London, SW1Y 5AH
Marking the publication of 'Radical Intimacy', Sophie K. Rosa is joined by 'Dazed Beauty's' Managing Editor, Amelia Abraham, for a talk that reimagines intimacy beyond the constraints of capitalist society.
In a world where money rules, what does it mean to have good relationships? Capitalist ideology wants us to believe that there is an optimal way to live. Radical Intimacy explores how the capitalist system shapes our intimate lives, and what we can do about it. From political sex scandals to climate justice, from Britney Spears to communes, from Black Lives Matter to alternatives to the nuclear family, the book interrogates common sense ideas about ‘the good life’ and demands the use of a radical imagination to discover new forms of intimacy. What might our desires look like in a better world? And how can care, connection and community support our struggles for liberation?
Sophie K. Rosa is a writer and journalist. They are the author of Radical Intimacy. They have written for many publications including Novara Media, The Independent, The Guardian, Buzzfeed, Vice, Al Jazeera, Aeon and CNN. Presently, they are turning towards fiction and psychoanalysis.
Amelia Abraham (1991) is a journalist and author from London with a focus on queer culture. They are the author of Queer Intentions: A (Personal) Journey Through LGBTQ+ Culture (Picador, 2019) and edited the anthology We Can Do Better Than This (Vintage, 2021). Amelia has most recently written on queer history and visual culture for The Guardian, LRB, British Journal of Photography and Disegno journal.