The aim of Open Marxism is to reconceptualise Marxism as a theory of struggle, rather than being an objective, constant analysis of capitalist domination as it is often understood. Open Marxism challenges us to explore things such as money, capital and the state as forms of struggle from above and therefore open to resistance and rebellion. The contributors to the four volumes of Open Marxism have sought to emancipate Karl Marx from the ‘closed’, ‘scientistic’ and ‘positivistic’ Marxist tradition that prevailed in the 1980s and 1990s. The Open Marxism approach has had a considerable impact on the rethinking of Marxism in the twenty-first century, especially in Europe and Latin America. Books that have emerged from the approach include John Holloway’s Change the World Without Taking Power and Crack Capitalism, and Negativity and Revolution (edited by Holloway, Matamoros and Tischler).