Vagabonds is a series of radical pamphlets to fan the flames of discontent. Too feisty for the academic press but too thoughtful for the online outrage machine, these short, beautiful and provocative texts inspire the radical imagination and catalyze creative action. Vagabonds occupy the overlap between critical inquiry, social activism and interventionist art and are in dialog with the great struggles of our age. The series will include unique anti-capitalist, anti-racist, queer and feminist voices towards revolutionary change and collective liberation. The series editor is Max Haiven, Research Chair in Culture, Media and Social Justice at Lakehead University, Canada.
How social media shaped the new global intifada
ViewInspiring stories of real life and often risky activism resisting the global criminalisation of care
ViewWhat can a cuddle tell us about intimacy, violence and racism?
ViewChronicles the story of the ZAD (zone to defend), a resistant land occupation emerging out of a decades-long struggle which stopped a new airport project
ViewDemanding a radical epidemiology in the face of the lethal failures of capitalism.
ViewA radical new approach to health and caregiving in the age of COVID-19.