Blood and Religion
The Unmasking of the Jewish and Democratic State

The book charts Israel’s increasingly desperate responses to its predicament including military repression of Palestinian dissent on both sides of the Green Line; accusations that Israel's Palestinian citizens and the Palestinian Authority are secretly conspiring to subvert the Jewish state from within; a ban on marriages between Israel’s Palestinian population and Palestinians living under occupation to prevent a right of return ‘through the back door’; the redrawing of the Green Line to create an expanded, fortress state where only Jewish blood and Jewish religion count.
Jonathan Cook is a former staff journalist for the Guardian and Observer newspapers. He is the author of Israel and the Clash of Civilisations (Pluto, 2008), A Doctor in Galilee (Pluto, 2006) and Blood and Religion: The Unmasking of the Jewish and Democratic State (Pluto, 2006). He has also written for The Times, Le Monde diplomatique, International Herald Tribune, Al-Ahram Weekly and Aljazeera.net. He is based in Nazareth.
Introduction: The Glass Wall
1. Israel’s Fifth Column
2. A False Reckoning
3. The Battle of Numbers
4. Redrawing the Green Line
5. Conclusion: Zionism and the Glass Wall
Appendix: ‘We’re like visitors in our own country’
eBook ISBN: 9781783715893
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