This page contains useful information for both prospective and contracted authors.
See the downloads box for documents relating to every aspect of publishing with Pluto – from our open access publishing programme, to information on submitting a book proposal and working within our style guidelines.
Pluto is an independent, radical publisher of non-fiction books. If you have a proposal for a book you think would fit our list then we would love to hear from you.
Please note – as a publisher of non-fiction we will be unable to consider poetry collections or novels.
Please prepare your book proposal by following our Proposal Guidelines which you can download via the link in the box to the right. When your proposal is ready, please email it along with any accompanying documents, such as draft chapters, to [email protected].
We will endeavour to respond to your email as soon as we can, but please be aware that due to the high level of unsolicited submissions that Pluto receives this might take up to two months.
If you have signed a contract with Pluto and begun work on your manuscript you should familiarise yourself with our house style, which is detailed in the ‘Style Guidelines’ document in the downloads box.
To browse any of our documents on different aspects of publishing a book with Pluto Press, simply click on the relevant link below: