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Open Access Books

With the aim of accessibility and in the spirit of knowledge-sharing, a selection of our books is available to download through Open Access programmes. Here you can find links to the books on the OAPEN website, and on other platforms, where you can download electronic copies for free.

Please note that these files are not available for commercial reuse. You can copy and share, extract, adapt and reuse provided you credit the original creator and make no commercial use of the content.

@’ is for Activism: Dissent, Resistance and Rebellion in a Digital Culture by Hands, Joss (2010)

A Critical History of Poverty Finance by Bernards, Nick (2022)

A History of Anthropology by Hylland Eriksen, Thomas – Second Edition (2013)

Antiblackness and Global Health: A Response to Ebola in the Colonial Wake by Hirch, Lioba (2024)

A People’s History of Modern Europe by Pelz, William (2016)

A People’s History of the Russian Revolution by Faulkner, Neil (2017)

A People’s History of the Second World War by Gluckstein, Donny (2012)

A People’s Green New Deal by Alj, Max (2021)

A Theory of ISIS: Political Violence and the Transformation of the Global Order  by Mohamedou, Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould (2012)

After Queer Theory: The Limits of Sexual Politics by Penney, James (2013)

Anthropology’s World: Life in a Twenty-First Century Discipline by Hannerz, Ulf (2010)

Arms and the People edited by Gonzalez, Mike and Barekat, Houman (2012)

As If Already Free edited by High, Holly and Reno, Joshua O. (2023)

Bad News for Refugees by Philo, Greg, Briant, Emma and Donald, Pauline (2013)

Beyond Money by Nelson, Anitra (2022)

Burning Up: A Global History of Fossil Fuel Consumption by Pirani, Simon (2018)

Border Watch by Hall, Alexandra (2012)

Borderline Justice by Webber, Frances (2012)

Capitalism’s New Clothes by Cremin, Ciara (2011)

Caring Cash by Neumark, Tom (2023)

China’s Engine of Environmental Collapse by Smith, Richard

Class Matters: Inequality and Exploitation in 21st Century Britain by Umney, Charles (2018)

Data Power by Thatcher, Jim E., Dalton, Craig M. (2021)

Decolonising the University edited by K. Bhambra, Gurminder, Gebrial, Dalia and Nişancıoğlu, Kerem (2018)

Deepening Divides: How Territorial Borders and Social Boundaries Delineate Our World by Fassin, Didier (2019)

Development Against Democracy by Gendzier, Irene (2017)

Disaster Anarchy by Firth, Rhiannon (2022)

Dismantling Green Colonialism by Hamouchene, Hamza and Sandwell, Katie (2023)

Economic and Monetary Sovereignty in 21st Century Africa edited by Ben Gadha, Maha et al (2021)

Feminist Solutions for Ending War edited by MacKenzie, Megan and Wegner, Nicole

Geographies of Digital Exclusion: Data and Inequality by Graham, Mark and Dittus, Martin

Global Cities At Work: New Migrant Divisions of Labour by Evans, Yara et al. (2009)

Gramsci on Tahrir: Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Egypt by De Smet, Brecht (2016)

Green Parties, Green Future by Gahrton, Per (2015)

Green Politics in China by Zhang, Joy Y and Barr, Michael (2015)

Hope Lies in the Proles: George Orwell and the Left by Newsinger, John (2018)

How America Became Capitalist: Imperial Expansion and the Conquest of the West by Parisot, James (2019)

How the West Came to Rule: The Geopolitical Origins of Capitalism by Anievas, Alexander and Nişancıoğlu, Kerem (2015)

Idiotism: Capitalism and the Privatisation of Life by Curtis, Neal

Information Politics: Liberation and Exploitation in the Digital Society by Jordan, Tim (2015)

Inventing Africa: History, Archaeology and Ideas  Derricourt, Robin (2011)

Just Transformations: Grassroots Struggles for Alternative Futures  edited by Rodríguez, Iokiñe, Walter, Mariana and Temper, Leah (2023)

Kurdish Hizbullah in Turkey: Islamism, Violence and the State by Mehmet Kurt (2017)

Laboratories of Learning: Social Movements, Education and Knowledge-Making in the Global South by Mario Novelli, Birgül Kutan, Patrick Kane, Adnan Celik, Tejendra Pherali and Saranel Benjamin (2023)

Long Road to Harpers Ferry: The Rise of the First American Left by Lause, Mark A. (2018)

Lost Worlds: Latin America and the Imagining of Empire by Foster, Kevin (2009)

Managerial Capitalism: Ownership, Management and the Coming New Mode of Production by Lévy, Dominique and Duménil, Gérard

Monitored: Business and Surveillance in a Time of Big Data by Bloom, Peter (2019)

Nature for Sale: Commons versus Commodities by Ricoveri, Giovanna (2013)

Nomads, Empires, States by van der Pijl, Kees (2007)

Paul Robeson bu Horne, Gerald (2016)

People Without History by Seabrook, Jeremy; Siddiqui, Imran Ahmed (2011)

Race and Ethnicity in Latin America by Wade, Peter (2010)

Refugee Talk by Eva Rask Knudsen and Ulla Rahbek

Rereading Marx in the Age of Digital Capitalism by Fuchs, Christian (2019)

Revolutionary Movements in Africa: An Untold Story edited by Bianchini, Pascal et al. (2023)

Right Across the World by Feffer, John (2021)

Sans Papiers by Bloch, Alice, Sigona, Nando, and Zetter, Roger (2014)

Small is Necessary by Nelson, Anitra (2018)

Solidarity: Latin America and the US Left in the era of human rights by Steve Striffler (2020)

Stopping Oil by Bond, Sophie, Thomas, Amanda and Diprose, Gradon (2023)

The ABCs of Political Economy by Hahnel, Robin (2014)

The Anthropology of Security edited by Maguire, Mark,  Frois, Catarina and Zurawski, Nils (2014)

The Birth of Capitalism by Heller, Henry (2011)

The Corporation That Changed the World by Robins, Nick (2012)

The Cost of Free Shipping by Alimahomed-Wilson, Jake; Reese, Ellen (2021)

The European Radical Left: Movements and Parties since the 1960s by Charalambous, Giorgos (2021)

The Experience Society by Miles, Steven (2020)

The Financial Crisis and the Global South by Akyüz, Yilmaz (2013)

The Future of Money by Mellor, Mary (2010)

The Geopolitics of Green Colonialism edited by Lang, Miriam et al

The Horn of Africa by Bereketeab, Redie (2013)

The Limits to Citizen Power by Albert, Victor (2016)

The Long Retreat: Strategies to Reverse the Decline of the Left by Kagarlitsky, Boris (2024)

The Making of an African Working Class by Werbner, Pnina (2014)

The Message is Murder by Beller, Jonathan (2017)

The Politics of Permaculture by Leahy, Terry (2021)

The Poverty of Growth by De Schutter, Olivier

The Profit Doctrine by Chernomas, Robert; Hudson, Ian (2016)

The Rise and Fall of the Welfare State by Wahl, Asbjørn (2011)

The Roman Empire by Morley, Neville (2010)

The Silences of Dispossession by Biocca, Mercedes (2023)

The Struggle for Food Sovereignty edited by Hererra, Remy and Lau, Kin Chi (2015)

The War Correspondent – Second Edition by McLaughlin, Greg (2016)

Theories of Social Capital by Fine, Ben (2010)

Toussaint Louverture by Forsdick, Charles; Høgsbjerg, Christian (2017)

Tweets and the Streets by Gerbaudo, Paolo (2012)

Understanding Al Qaeda by Mohamedou, Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould (2011)

Using Gramsci by Filippini, Michele (2016)

Utopia and Modernity in China edited by Margolies, David; Cao, Qing (2022)

When Protest Becomes Crime by Terwindt, Carolijn (2019)

Work, Sex and Power by Thompson, Willie (2015)

Working the Phones by Woodcock, Jamie (2016)