Occupy the Curriculum! 40% off all books until 15th September.
Sat, 10 Dec 2022, 17:45 - 23:30 (BST)
Pelican House 144 Cambridge Heath Road London E1 5QJ
Launch Party with the authors of Abolition Revolution
Abolition Revolution is a guide to abolitionist politics in Britain, drawing on rich histories of resistance both here and in the colonies, and our own years of organising. This book was always intended to be a conversation with the movement, so now that it’s finally out we would love you to come and celebrate with us.
Q&A with the Authors – 6pm
Join the authors, Aviah Sarah Day and Shanice Octavia McBean, for a conversation about carceral feminism, police and state violence, and organising towards an anti-capitalist, abolitionist future. There will be plenty of time for questions and audience contributions.
Joining us will be writers and activists featured in the book including:
Lydia Caradonna of Decrim Now and United Voices of the World Sex Workers Branch
Zahra Bei from No More Exclusions
Poetry, Music and Drinks Reception – 7.45pm – 11pm
After the Q&A we are inviting you to join us for a drinks reception where we will have poetry, live music performances and DJs. Delivering the good vibes and hype will be:
DJ basura
DJ Mica Coca
Drinks will be available for sale.
This event is free, but we’re asking for small donations from those able to give to help us cover the costs of the event. Anything we raise beyond logistical costs will be donated to The 4Front Project.
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